Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Let God play the Melody

Music is beautiful. Music is precious. Music is amazing.
 To make music, you must first have knowledge about that music.
When it comes to music, you can’t have harmony without a melody. You can’t hear the tune if there is only back-ground singers.
Music is made up of little parts. Each little part in music, when played alone, well, just sounds like noise. When a person plays just the alto part, you can’t grasp the overall beauty of the song. However, when you put each of those little parts together, it makes one beautiful sound. The beauty steals your breath, leaving you entranced in another beautiful world.
That’s how it is when it comes to God. Each person plays their own part in the world. If it was just you, then the world would be….just a world. When each person decides to work together, it becomes a beautiful masterpiece. One important thing that many people forget, however, is that God must always play the melody. He must take the lead. Without God playing the melody, our parts would sound like noise. Our lives, no matter how much we practice our parts, will sound like racket without God’s melody. We can’t have perfect harmony with God, unless we allow Him to take the lead.

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